Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library Renovation

SCOPE OF SERVICE: Director-level responsibility for Planning, Construction and Capital Risk with overall accountability for project success. The comprehensive analysis and development of a Program to protect and preserve the Collection, while enabling the construction to take place required extremely close coordination amongst the team. The single phasing, while occupied aspect of the Project demanded that completely redundant temporary security, fire alarm, temperature and humidity control systems be installed in advance of construction.


YEAR: 2016

DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive renovation of 105k sf landmark rare book library's aging MEPF and security systems in a single phase, while cleaning the interior and exterior stone facade, refurbishing the sculpture garden, and renovating the Court Level to accommodate additional programmatic changes to enhance the Library's academic mission.

LOCATION: New Haven, Connecticut

OWNER: Yale University

ARCHITECT: Newman Architects

GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Shawmut Construction

BUDGET: $56,000,000